If you’re an aspiring actor and are searching for acting classes NYC, then there is a unique studio that deserves extra special attention. Today, many performing arts professionals give due diligence to methodologies and philosophies instilled by numerous theater masters. These range from Jacques Lecoq, the inspirational master-teacher of movement and theater, to Michael Chekhov, the founder of today’s psycho-physical acting techniques that incorporate the imagination with the body and intellect. Additionally, theater and performing arts have been largely inspired by other greats such as Sanford Meisner, Uta Hagen, Viola Spolin, and Moshe Feldenkrais, among others.
CLISAM, the extra special studio that’s mentioned, combines all the masters’ teachings into a journey of self discovery, skill improvement, personal growth, and enhanced confidence. Perfect for the neophyte to seasoned pro CLISAM, Chekhov-Lecoq International Studio of Acting and Movement, offers a diverse and powerful mixture of courses and workshops to assist any performing artist achieve breakthrough progress, skillful and believable character development, sharp improvisation, and even increased networking with industry leaders. Whether you’re simply starting out, wanting to brush up, or stuck in a rut, Founder and Director, John Charles Murphy is certain to inspire participants to new heights with his creative and powerfully positive teaching demeanor and critiques delivered in his selection of acting classes in NYC.
Overall, his courses provide innovative and contemporary approaches to respected and thoroughly studied philosophies. Involvement of real-world professional directors and talent further enhances the quality of education available at CLISAM. Some students even say that CLISAM is the best acting studio in New York City and their testimonials show it!
This summer, don’t miss the exclusive Summer Intensive Workshop. Starting July 16th, 2012, this two-week, intensive program features detailed instruction on Whole Body Text Work and Acting for the Stage and Screen. It’s easy to learn more from the website at www.clisam.com. View course descriptions, biography information, registration details, and pricing information with just a few mouse clicks.
When recently interviewed, John stated that, “He wants to be the teacher he never had as a student.†In compliment to this, one of his successful students, jumped in to say, “We have the teacher we always wanted.†It’s a beautiful thing when a professional teacher is able to create a safe environment that nurtures creativity and expands self expression, while challenging one’s self. Students are more easily able to discover unique talents, characters, and creative concepts within themselves when they truly feel safe, appreciated, and free throughout this journey. John Charles Murphy has created a studio that delivers uniquely personalized acting classes in NYC. He offers his decades of experience to actors of all pre- and professional levels and interests aspiring to obtain new skills, perspectives, and to all who aspire to greater creative growth. Learn more about upcoming free demo workshops and acting classes in NYC by visiting CLISAM online.